Please find below links to the websites of some of the National Maritime Organisations & Associations that we at ADEC Marine think could be useful to you. We also have a list of recommended Coding Surveyors
If you have any others that you would like us to include in our list please email your suggestion to or fill in our enquiry form on our Contact page.

AP Marine Services - Coding Surveyor
We offer prepurchase, insurance and damage surveys. Also MCA code of Practice examinations for small commercial vessels, tonnage measurements for registration and much more.
Registered in UK and with surveyor representation on the Spanish Mediterranean Coastline, we regularly travel throughout the Iberian Peninsular, Canary Islands and Italy. Being familiar with the local rules and customs and maintaining strong links with a wide range of repair facilities in Spain, gives us the edge to ease your boating problems significantly.

Westerly Owners Association
Ideal website for all Westerly boat owners, plus lots of useful information and advice.

British Marine Industries Federation
Visit the British Federation Site for a list of full BMIF Members

RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institute
RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institute - 24/7 Lifesaving Service - Whatever the Weather
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